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2018 Symposium
The 2018 SMG Symposium was held in New York City at SIFMA's Conference Center June 5 - June 7th.
The 2018 SMG Symposium program.
Selected Presentations from the 2018 Symposium
The Bull: Extended or Extinguished
Sam Stovall, CFRA Chief Investment Strategist, Equity & Fund Research Sam Stovall, acclaimed author of The Standard & Poor's Guide to Sector Investing and The Seven Rules of Wall Street, joins us this year for a special 40th anniversary presentation on the capital markets. Sam's unique and engaging style brings fun and excitement as he tracks market trends and investor sentiment of the past and present - and their impact on the economy. Sam will help us understand the drivers of future investor activity and economic performance.
Superchange your PD
Chris Cannon, GCEE Associate Director & Chief Program Officer
Chris Cannon leads this session on innovative ways to liven up face-to-face teacher professional development workshops. His interactive demo makes learning "fun" for teachers - and for the Network. Try your hand at tools such as Quizlet live, an interactive simulation that can be used to highlight investing practices.
Happy Birthday, SMG! With love, InvestWrite
Lisa Donnini, InvestWrite National Director
Jessica Bayer, InvestWrite National Program Manager
We took your cues last year, refined our website, tied it up with a ribbon and now it's ready for unwrapping! The new InvestWrite.org comes alive today, before your eyes, with features that engage teachers and students, generate recruiting opportunities for your SMG program, and enhance outreach and visibility. Discuss how InvestWrite awards and volunteer engagement drive media coverage, program funding, and board development while shining light on the contributions you make to financial literacy in your state. No birthday is complete without a great party game and prizes, so we'll also announce the winners of the InvestWrite Network Challenge!
Invest It Forward for Success
Michelle Noguchi, SIFMA Foundation VP Campaigns & Engagement
Demand for corporate community engagement continues to grow and, with that, so has the Invest It Forward program. Michelle Noguchi continues our celebration with an exciting update on four years of Invest It Forward's expansion and results. Learn about ways your colleagues are using the data and IIF MatchMe site to deepen engagement in their own communities, support teachers, and report to their boards and funders.
Washington Update
Laura Levine, Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy President
Laura Levine brings updates from Washington, DC on financial capability and introduces us to Jump$tart's recently launched campaign, Project Groundswell. Between now and 2025, this campaign will increase the number of U.S. elementary, middle and high school students receiving effective classroom-based financial education by 25%. Dubbed "Project Groundswell" for its plans to enlist the help of parents, family members, educators, volunteers and Jump$tart Coalition's nationwide network of state affiliates, the campaign also will seek a 25% increase in the number of teachers trained in personal finance education.
Program Roundtables: Coordinator Conquests
Elizabeth Reidel, SIFMA Foundation SMG National Director
Sara Bryant, SIFMA Foundation AVP Regional Programs
SIFMA Foundation's Direct Delivery team presents several new features and resources now available to enhance your program coordination. Liz Reidel tees up a group discussion on SMG coordination. Small-groups will generate a set of recommendations for expanding program participation and results. With a focus on practical take-home tips, the floor will be opened for state-specific reports and anecdotes about what makes your program "sing."
Social Media Presentation & Roundtable
Vincent Young, SIFMA Foundation AVP Curriculum Initiatives
Carolyn Quest, SIFMA Foundation, Associate, SMG Coordinator
The SIFMA Foundation's social media initiative is now six years old and has experienced a growth spurt thanks to a healthy diet of image posts, hashtags, and content shares. Vincent and Carolyn will present briefly on the Foundation's current social media efforts before launching into a hands-on demonstration of their favorite social media graphics program, Canva. Be sure to bring your laptops with you! You will be creating your own SMG workshop post!